The Greatest 2b of all time
Title: Who's the Man? Roger, Joe or Eddie - Not Bill
Purpose: To examine if Bill James claim that Joe Morgan is the greatest second baseman ever holds water?
By: Matthew Rauseo
You can find the full article here
"Baseball Becomes Dull only to Dull Minds." - Red Smith, New York Times
Title: Who's the Man? Roger, Joe or Eddie - Not Bill
Purpose: To examine if Bill James claim that Joe Morgan is the greatest second baseman ever holds water?
By: Matthew Rauseo
You can find the full article here
My favorite Williams anecdote was told in one of Ron Luchiano’s books. While managing the Senators Williams was in the umpire’s dressing room talking with the umpires. When President Nixon walks in un-announced to shake hands, and pat backs which apparently he did once in a while. He says hello and makes the rounds. When he gets to Williams he looks him in the eye, and before Nixon can say anything Williams says “how the fuck are you”, Nixon without a missing a beat, says “not bad you old son of a bitchThe umps look on sheepishly; Nixon turns to them and says “it’s all right I’ve met the bastard before”.
I just returned from SABR 35, in Toronto - like usual it was a wonderful experience. The funny thing about SABR is that you spend 4-5 days talking about baseball, watching research presentations and going to games - yet you fall out of touch with what is going on in major league baseball while the convention is going on.